HR Trends

Invest in your people as a human being not as a human resource

Onur Ilkoz
December 8, 2023
5 min read
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HR Leaders have been too busy with redefining cost-efficiency measures, redesigning processes, and applying analytics to existing HR operating models. Targets like optimizing labour cost, implementing remote work technologies, reinforcing new procedures were worthy but unmotivating at the same time.

CHROs were focusing too much on productivity and how to measure it. The new realities brought by pandemic and changing priorities of employees reminded them the importance of cultural significance, purpose, creativity, and innovation to attract, maintain, and develop talent. Building more people-centric policies, decision making procedures and maximizing human potential has become top priority. Instead of digitalizing HR processes, focusing on “more human” applications replaced on top of their agenda.

*Recent McKinsey research supports this new mindset. According to the recent interviews, conducted with more than 70 CHROs at some of Europe’s largest organizations, the vast majority of CHROs said they were eager to shift to a model we have come to call “back to human”. *HR’s role got back to the main purpose: shifting “from processes to people”Bringing new HR technologies to improve standard HR processes and develop insights through people analytics will continue to be playground for HR leaders. But boosting organizational energy, building resilience, and becoming a people-centric organization are new priorities.

There are five key factors to be considered in building people focused organization:

1. Listen voice of employees and respond based on findings.

2. Build a trust-based environment. Focus on fulfilling psychological contract with your employees.

3. Engage directly and deeply. Build personal relationships and generate less task-oriented interactions.

4. Quit mechanistic skill and talent management to address the employee experience in a more targeted and responsive way.

5. Emphasise your organizations’ “purpose”. People are significantly more likely to be excited to work at a company that spends time reflecting on the impact it makes in the world.

Companies that invest in people as a human being not as a human resource will take the advantage of this new era. Allow people to be who they are to release the untapped potential in them. This way, they will bring their whole self to work and try to give their best. ‍

Onur Ilkoz
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